Curriculum Vitae

Working experience:

Oct 2023 - ongoing
Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy)
PhD researcher

► Phd Fellow under Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant (UniPHD cofound)
► Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry
in Water resources, soil and watershed protection group.
► Project title: Projected changes in flood occurrence at convection-permitting scale across an alpine transect
► Sub-title: Relationship between future changes in precipitation and flooding for extreme events

► Statistical modeling in Python and Matlab

Feb 2023 - Sep 2023
Novasole (Netherlands)
Geo data scientist

► Developed the rooftop plane segmentation Python package.
► Used PostgreSQL, PostGIS, and sqlachemy to extend the database.
► Worked with Lidar Point Cloud dataset and GIS data.
► Applied GrassGIS for solar energy analysis.
► Worked in an Agile Scrum environment.
► Developed skills in git and version control.

Sep 2020 - Jul 2022
National Taiwan University (Taiwan)
University research assistant

► Data collection, cleaning, and analysis in Python (NumPy, Pandas, xarray).
► Building Python-based empirical models and scripts.
► GIS analysis in ESRI ArcGIS.
► Literature research, methodology design, and report writing for two MOST-TW projects.
Solar irradiance mapping based on geostationary satellite (won Future Tech Award 2021, MOST-TW);
Preliminary feasibility assessment for flood detention in Taiwan;
► Scientific writing for paper publishing.

Jan 2019 - Jul 2020
National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)
University research assistant, Part-time

► Prepared teaching and training materials for HEC-RAS software.
► Methodology design for the project about stormwater inlets’ capacity and urban pluvial flooding.
► Literature research for paper publishing.
► Participated in the project Evaluation of Natural-based solution sites in Taiwan of four catchments as cooperation between Water resource agency Taiwan and European Union (Horizon program).


Oct 2023 - Ongoing
Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy)
Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry
Doctor of Philosophy – PhD

Field of study:
The PhD Program Land, Environment, Resources and Health
Project title:
Projected changes in flood occurrence at convection-permitting scale across an alpine transect.
Sub-title: Relationship between future changes in precipitation and flooding for extreme events

Period abroad:

Sep 2018 - Jul 2020
National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)
Master of Science – MSc.

Field of study:
International Master Program on Natural Hazards Mitigation and Management
Residential Flood Risk Mapping Based on Social Vulnerability Weighted by Analytical Hierarchy Process and Machine Learning Methods

Relevant Coursework:
Intermediate Hydrology
Hydrological System Simulation and Forecasting
Economic Analysis of Natural Disaster
Risk Management

GPA: 4.03 (4.3 Scale)

Summer School (2019): International Program on Resilient Society Development under Changing Climate at Kyoto University (Japan) and Kasetsart University (Thailand)

Sep 2016 - Jul 2018
Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic)
Engineer’s degree – Ing.

Field of study:
Engineering Safety of Persons and property
Security Study of Selected Propaganda Media on the Social Network.

Relevant Coursework:
Current Safety and Security Threats
Analysis of safety risks
Mathematics & Physics for Engineers

GPA: 82.15 (100 Scale)

Technical Skills:

    Python (Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Xarray, and scikit-learn libraries) / MATLAB / PostgreSQL (PostGIS) / git / Agile (Scrum) / ArcGIS / QGIS / GrassGIS / HEC-RAS / Microsoft Office / NodeXL / Gephi Software / Creating Static Sites with Jekyll

Honors / Awards / Certifications:

  • 2021 - Future Tech Award (as a team member), Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
  • 2020 - Honor Member of the Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society, Taiwan
  • 2020 - Outstanding Dissertation Award of Taiwan Society of Architectural Medicine
  • 2016 - Design of Fire Alarm system certificate (EPS ESSER 8000 and FlexES devices)