Han, J. Y., and Vohnicky, P.* (2022).
Estimation of global and diffuse horizontal irradiance by machine learning techniques based on variables from the Heliosat model.
Journal of Cleaner Production.
Han, J. Y., and Vohnicky, P.* (2022).
An optimized approach for mapping solar irradiance in a mid-low latitude region based on a site-adaptation technique using Himawari-8 satellite imageries.
Renewable Energy, 187, 603–617.
Jang, J. H., Vohnicky, P. , and Kuo, Y. L. (2021).
Improvement of Flood Risk Analysis Via Downscaling of Hazard and Vulnerability Maps.
Water Resources Management, 35(7), 2215–2230.
18th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Risks (Chania, Greece); 2024; Abstract and Poster
Vohnicky, P.,, Dallan, E., Marra, F., Fosser, G., Pesce, M., and Borga, M.
Understanding the impact of climate change on areal reduction factors using convection-permitting models.
18th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Risks (Chania, Greece); 2024; Abstract and Presentation - Presented by Pesce, M.
Pesce, M., Dallan, E., Marra, F., Fosser, G., Vohnicky, P., Akbary, R., and Borga, M.
Impact of temperature threshold selection on future changes of liquid precipitation return levels based on convection-permitting models.
AIIA 2024: BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING PROMOTING RESILIENCE TO CLIMATE CHANGE (Padova, Italy); 2024; Abstract and Poster - Presented by Pesce, M.
Pesce, M., Vohnicky, P., Dallan, E., Marra, F., Fosser, G., and Borga, M.
Elevation-dependent amplification of rainfall extremes: the role of snow fraction in convection-permitting models.
EGU General Assembly 2024 (Vienna, Austria); 2024; Abstract and Oral Presentation
Vohnicky, P.,, Dallan, E., Marra, F., Fosser, G., Pesce, M., and Borga, M.
Projected amplification of rainfall extremes due to warming-induced reduction of snow fraction: an assessment based on convection-permitting simulationshttps://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10297
The 4th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovative Researches (Purwokerto, Indonesia); 2022; Invited speaker
Vohnicky, P., and Han, J. Y.
Remote Mapping of Solar Irradiance and Meteorological Factors Over the Asian Region for the Development of a Typical Meteorological Year (TMY)
The 39th Conference on Surveying and Geomatics (Taipei, Taiwan); 2021; Abstract and Oral Presentation - Presented by Li, S-Y.
Chen Y.C., Li S-Y, Kan Y.H., Vohnicky, P., and Han, J. Y.
Solar Photovoltaic Potential Analysis based on 3D Spatial Information and TMY Model.
The 1st International Sustainable Development Conference (Pingtung, Taiwan); 2020; Abstract and Oral Presentation - Presented by Lee K.F.
Vohnicky, P., Jang J.H., and Lee K.F.
Using Machine Learning for Social Flood Vulnerability Index Weighting
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy ; Energy Conversion and Management: X ; Solar Energy ; Journal of Hydrology ;
Thesis Consultant:
Student: M. Plachý (GRADUATED)
Title: Bezpečnostní dopady hospodářských cyklů na změnu společnosti od liberální k extrémistické (Security Implications of Business Cycles for Changing Society from Liberal to Extremist)
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Mgr. Radomír Ščurek, Ph.D.
Master's degree program (Ing. - Engineering) VSB - Technical University of Ostrava
Language: CZECH
Student: M. Barbořík (GRADUATED)
Title: Bezpečnostní řešení kamerové detekce za využití Raspberry Pi (Security Camera Detection Solution Using Raspberry Pi)
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Mgr. Radomír Ščurek, Ph.D.
Master's degree program (Ing. - Engineering) VSB - Technical University of Ostrava
Language: CZECH