Publications & Academic work

Journal Papers:

  1. Han, J. Y., and Vohnicky, P.* (2022). Estimation of global and diffuse horizontal irradiance by machine learning techniques based on variables from the Heliosat model. Journal of Cleaner Production.
  2. Han, J. Y., and Vohnicky, P.* (2022). An optimized approach for mapping solar irradiance in a mid-low latitude region based on a site-adaptation technique using Himawari-8 satellite imageries. Renewable Energy, 187, 603–617.
  3. Jang, J. H., Vohnicky, P. , and Kuo, Y. L. (2021). Improvement of Flood Risk Analysis Via Downscaling of Hazard and Vulnerability Maps. Water Resources Management, 35(7), 2215–2230.


  • 18th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Risks (Chania, Greece); 2024; Abstract and Poster
  • Vohnicky, P.,, Dallan, E., Marra, F., Fosser, G., Pesce, M., and Borga, M.
  • Understanding the impact of climate change on areal reduction factors using convection-permitting models.
  • 18th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Risks (Chania, Greece); 2024; Abstract and Presentation - Presented by Pesce, M.
  • Pesce, M., Dallan, E., Marra, F., Fosser, G., Vohnicky, P., Akbary, R., and Borga, M.
  • Impact of temperature threshold selection on future changes of liquid precipitation return levels based on convection-permitting models.
  • AIIA 2024: BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING PROMOTING RESILIENCE TO CLIMATE CHANGE (Padova, Italy); 2024; Abstract and Poster - Presented by Pesce, M.
  • Pesce, M., Vohnicky, P., Dallan, E., Marra, F., Fosser, G., and Borga, M.
  • Elevation-dependent amplification of rainfall extremes: the role of snow fraction in convection-permitting models.
  • EGU General Assembly 2024 (Vienna, Austria); 2024; Abstract and Oral Presentation
  • Vohnicky, P.,, Dallan, E., Marra, F., Fosser, G., Pesce, M., and Borga, M.
  • Projected amplification of rainfall extremes due to warming-induced reduction of snow fraction: an assessment based on convection-permitting simulations
  • The 4th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovative Researches (Purwokerto, Indonesia); 2022; Invited speaker
  • Vohnicky, P., and Han, J. Y.
  • Remote Mapping of Solar Irradiance and Meteorological Factors Over the Asian Region for the Development of a Typical Meteorological Year (TMY)
  • The 39th Conference on Surveying and Geomatics (Taipei, Taiwan); 2021; Abstract and Oral Presentation - Presented by Li, S-Y.
  • Chen Y.C., Li S-Y, Kan Y.H., Vohnicky, P., and Han, J. Y.
  • Solar Photovoltaic Potential Analysis based on 3D Spatial Information and TMY Model.
  • The 1st International Sustainable Development Conference (Pingtung, Taiwan); 2020; Abstract and Oral Presentation - Presented by Lee K.F.
  • Vohnicky, P., Jang J.H., and Lee K.F.
  • Using Machine Learning for Social Flood Vulnerability Index Weighting


  1. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy ; Energy Conversion and Management: X ; Solar Energy ; Journal of Hydrology ;

Thesis Consultant:

  1. Student: M. Plachý (GRADUATED)
    Title: Bezpečnostní dopady hospodářských cyklů na změnu společnosti od liberální k extrémistické (Security Implications of Business Cycles for Changing Society from Liberal to Extremist)
    Supervisor: doc. Ing. Mgr. Radomír Ščurek, Ph.D.
    Master's degree program (Ing. - Engineering) VSB - Technical University of Ostrava
    Language: CZECH
  2. Student: M. Barbořík (GRADUATED)
    Title: Bezpečnostní řešení kamerové detekce za využití Raspberry Pi (Security Camera Detection Solution Using Raspberry Pi)
    Supervisor: doc. Ing. Mgr. Radomír Ščurek, Ph.D.
    Master's degree program (Ing. - Engineering) VSB - Technical University of Ostrava
    Language: CZECH